The children have had a busy week exploring their new mini project ‘Puddles and Rainbows’!
We listened to an instrumental version of the song ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and practised doing curves, circles, spirals and rainbow arches with scarves. We learned a new dance called ‘We’re Singing in the Rain’ and sang ‘Sing a Rainbow’. We learned some British Sign Language to the rhyme ‘Rain, Rain go Away’ and also made up different verses for Baa, Baa Black Sheep.
In Maths we did some rainbow colour counting and tower building. We played a game where the children had to choose a card and count out the correct number of objects in the right colour.
In Phonics we continued our daily oral blending games and learned some new initial sounds. We also played a colour rhyming word game and then made up some silly sentences.
The children had fun investigating materials and finding out which were waterproof. They also enjoyed exploring kaleidoscopes, seeing the changing patterns and colours.
The children listened to the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas and thought about the emotions the colours represented, like blue for sadness and yellow for happiness, they loved making the different faces to show the emotions of how the colour monster was feeling!
Outside the children danced in the rain with umbrellas!