This week Nursery have started a new project called’ Starry Night’.
We have looked at things that you may see during the day and the night and talked about the differences. The children sorted pictures into ‘day’ and ‘night’.
We have discussed animals that come out at night and learned the new word ‘nocturnal’. The children thought about the different kinds of animals and we talked about their features, such as hedgehogs have prickles and owls have feathers. The children loved playing with the different animal toys and puppets too in the forest small world.
We did a quiz where the children had to guess where the locations were around school. We discovered that things look very different in the dark!
The children went on a pretend walk in the dark with Mrs Lindsay and her dog Piper. They looked at all the different things that Mrs Lindsay sees on her walk, for example the streetlamps and the headlights. She can even see the moon!
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ’d’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We also did ‘Rhyme Time’ where the children sang ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ in different ways such as loud, in a whisper, fast and slow. They also thought about syllables and clapped them, rhyming words and words that began with the same sound.
We learned the alternative rhyme, Twinkle, Twinkle chocolate bar!’
We used props to tell the story ’Whatever Next!’ by Jill Murphy. The children then used the props to retell the story and acted out for their friends.
In Maths the children have been counting backwards 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1… Blast off! They have also been practising reading and writing numerals.
The children enjoyed exploring the ‘Dark Den’ and using the different kinds of lights and torches. We also had lots of fun with the light box and 2d and 3d shapes, looking how the colours change.
Other activities included;
PE using the large apparatus.
Learning a new exercise song ‘Zoom, Zoom, Zoom we’re going to the Moon!’
Talking about bedtime routines and sharing stories in the Book Corner.
Exploring the ice and frost in our outdoor area.