In Nursery this week, as part of our new project ‘Big Wide World’, we have been thinking about animals that live in different habitats around the world. They enjoyed creating a jungle for the animals in our small world and outside cooled down as they explored the underwater sea life!
The children have enjoyed looking at maps, atlases and globes and were fascinated when we explored ‘Google earth’!
In Maths the children counted all the different animals that Handa and her friend Akeyo discovered as they hunted for Grandma’s missing hen Mondi. They enjoyed watching the animation of ‘Handa’s Hen’ by Eileen Browne and then on a flip chart counted out the correct number of animals. The children continued to practise their counting skills as they played with the small world animals.
In Phonics the children learned the new sound ‘X’. They have continued to play the Little Wandle games, practising their oral blending skills and other listening games to improve their phonemic awareness. They enjoyed playing a guess the jungle animal sound game too!
The children listened to the story ‘Tanka, Tanka Skunk!’ by Steve Webb and investigated clapping the syllables of different animals. A further challenge was to tap the rhythm on a percussion instrument!
The children have learned a new animal dance by Danny Go and have been singing some animal and jungle songs, ‘Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed’, ‘Down in the Jungle’, ‘Monkeys Sitting in a Tree’ (thinking about 1 less), ‘One Elephant went out to Play’ (thinking about 1 more) and ‘Walking Through the Jungle’.
Other activities have included pond dipping, thinking about Father’s Day and playing a guess the animal binoculars game.