Author: Alice Wood
Here are some photos of Forest School in Year 5 for our Allotment topic. As we cultivated last week, we were now ready to plant some veggies. We planted cabbage, radish, kale, lettuce and carrots. We can’t wait to take them home to eat once they’re ready!
Here are some photos of us making predictions. We had to work out how many of a certain item it would take to sink our boats. We used stones, cubes and 100g weights. We found out that it took over 200 stones to sink it but only 6 weights and around 150 cubes!
We enjoyed an active maths lesson outside in which we practised rounding numbers.
We learned the names of some of the parts of a ship and which of those would move. We then used Lego to build our own ship – we added masts, steering wheels, anchors and then we tested them in water. we found that lots of them sank because they were top-heavy!
Our challenge was to make a floating boat from plasticine! It was very difficult to get it to work but we found that the best shape was a bowl shape. Some of us managed to get one which worked.
After we read the story called ‘The Bog Baby’, we discovered Bog babies on our school playground … do you like them? We are going to take very good care of them.
In maths we have enjoyed making our own number lines and working out 1 more and 1 less. We have also enjoyed stomping outside like dinosaurs and counting in tens with every stomp! We have had fun using cubes to start adding and subtracting! In our English and ILP lessons we labelled a dinosaur and sorted some dinosaur feet into
“We had lots of fun and exercisein P.E. this week. We are learning and practicing ‘sending and receiving’ skills (that’s throwing and catching to you and me!!). We have also been learning to work with a partner.”
During our Forest School sessions we will be looking at cultivating. During this session we needed to prepare any planters ready to take new vegetable seeds. This included removing any weeds, turning over the soil and then adding some natural fertiliser from the compost bins. We also played a couple of games which were fun. Here we are working together