Author: Alice Wood
Reception have had a fantastic start to the Summer half term, we enjoyed a trip to ‘All Things Wild’ later in the week to launch our topic ‘Animal Safari’ where the children got to have some hands on experiences being zoo-keepers and learnt all about scales, feathers and fur (more photos to come).At school the children have been learning about
Reception have had an enjoyable final week to the Spring Term. This week the focus has been ‘Spring’ and the week started with a ‘Signs of Spring’ hunt around our outside area, alongside exploring ‘Spring’ themed poems; by reading each line carefully and sorting them into ‘things you can see in spring’ and ‘things you can hear in spring’. In
This week the children enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs Hancock who talked to them all about what it is like to own an allotment. They brought in some of their harvest, showed some pictures of how their allotment changes throughout the year and answered the children’s many questions. As part of our topic, the children enjoyed the story
This week has been quite ‘bean’ heavy! The children enjoyed reading and discussing ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and conducting a ‘bean experiment’ (more to come!) They also loved developing their gross motor skills during the ‘bean game’. On Monday, they explored Giuseppe Acrimboldo’s famous fruit related art and created their own fruit art, though more observational. We talked about the parts of
Another busy and enjoyable week for Reception. We had lots of fun in the snow!On Wednesday it was ‘World Maths Day’ and the children enjoyed exploring the book, ‘How many jellybeans’. This inspired the provision activity in which the children had to choose their favourite 5 or 10 flavours. The week began with the story, ‘The Gigantic Turnip’ and the
What a great first week back and a super start to the second part of the half term.This week we launched our ‘Ready Steady Grow’ topic and we started the week exploring where food comes from. The children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and sequencing and retelling it with their friends. On Wednesday the children
The theme this week has been ‘stories and rhymes’ which has meant we’ve had an enjoyable end to the half term.The week started with the ‘Gingerbread Man’ story and a letter with a recipe attached. The children enjoyed exploring the story and making their own gingerbread men, by weighing out the ingredients, mixing and stirring and making the dough. Some
This week the children have enjoyed bringing in their favourite stories to share as part of ‘National Storytelling Week’. We have talked about what makes a good storyteller and what a good audience looks like. They particularly enjoyed Michael Rosen perform ‘Chocolate Cake’.In phonics the children have been learning the sounds: ‘air’ and ‘er’ and have been introduced to double