This week Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year- the year of the rabbit. In provision they have been exploring special objects, performing Lion dances and using mud in the mud kitchen to write the Chinese number symbols. They have been building ‘The Great Wall of China’ and investigating money by using traditional red envelopes, using the stem sentences,
Author: Alice Wood
This week we have been focusing on new digraphs in Phonics. These have included, ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘ur’. In maths, we have been singing ‘5 Little Aliens’ as part of our composition lessons, using dice frames as we do. In music with Mr Withers, we have been using the percussion instruments alongside singing, thinking carefully about the rhythm and beat
This week we have read ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and had a go at cleaning, measuring and even sewing our own shoes! We have enjoyed looking at old registers and photographs from many years ago and comparing them to how we do things today. In RE we have started to explore special objects and books and we thought about
What a busy first week! The children have been focusing on ordinality in maths this week by helping the Numberblocks find their ‘Numberling’ and place them in order. During Phonics the children have been looking at ‘ai’, ‘ee’ and ‘igh’. With Mr Withers the children have been exploring percussion instruments and played a game which involved matching the instrument with
This morning the children enjoyed their Christmas Party. They played lots of games and had fun with their friends. They also conducted a science experiment yesterday which involved water, so enjoyed looking at the results. Some of the pictures have been taken by the children! Thank you parents and careers for all of your support this term, we really appreciate
Well what a festive filled week! The children enjoyed performing their nativity to their grown ups, and didn’t they do an amazing job! Thank you to everyone who attended. This week the children have been focusing on subitising in their maths lessons and also played a game of bingo. They have been exploring the theme of ‘friendship’ and what that
This week Reception had their dress rehearsal. They were fantasic and really enjoyed it.
What an exciting week! On Monday the children had a visit from our local firefighters who brought with them their fire-engine and let us have a look. Reception enjoyed asking them lots of questions (see previous blog). The children also enjoyed performing to the Nursery children and other KS1 classes as part of their dress rehearsal. Grown-ups, you are in
Reception enjoyed a visit from our local fire brigade today. They got to sit inside the vehicle, learnt all about the different equipment, got to use the hose to try to spray Mrs Copeland and even heard the siren. They had great fun, but did get a little wet! Miss Conniff even got to try on the kit. A big