The children have been enjoying their skills academy clubs this half term. Some children went to play tennis at The Coventry and Warwickshire Tennis club while others have been using their fine motor skills during hammerbead club and singing their hearts our during karaoke club.
Author: Carly Appleton
Now the summer is here, we have been enjoying lots of our PE lessons outside.
Our younger children have thoroughly enjoyed their PE lessons in the hall where they have been learning to improve their balancing skills and fitness levels.
Year 6 have been practicing their cricket skills and working on throwing accurately.
We are really proud of the effort the children have put into their swimming lessons this week. It has been a tiring week for them but their progress has been outstanding.
Y6 have been working very hard this week focusing on writing exciting, effective sentences about our focused book titled The Journey. As you can see from the black board, they have been showing off their writing skills and collaboratively, made a great start on this narrative. We have also enjoyed our experience days where we have been imagining what it
The children enjoyed taking part in our Easter egg raffle and then our Easter egg hunt. We hope you all have a lovely, well earned break.
The children designed their own spy gadget and then wrote a persuasive advert to try and encourage MI6 to sell their product. We were very impressed with their ideas and final pieces of work.
We had a silent debate, read our story Wonder and created a new spy character outside this week. Learning outside made us all feel very happy, even when we encountered a few spiders and a couple of worms.