We have been making the most of the weather and using the field for our daily mile break during the afternoon. Four laps is equal to a mile and some of our children have been pushing themselves to achieve this and more.
Author: Carly Appleton
This weekend Mr Taylor, Mr Hancock, Mr Stevens and Mrs Haywood (our school governor) ran the Cardiff Half marathon. Running practise at school has definitely helped with their preparation. We are sure the children will be inspired by their teachers’ determination and resilience.
We’ve been practising lots of different drills during our netball skills academy club but one of the favourite has got to be shooting. We were pleased that the rain held off this week because last week we all got soaked! Bouncing the balls in the puddles was a lot of fun though.
We went into Learning Hub 2 to research facts about rationing during World War 2. Using the white board table allowed the children to present their findings to the rest of the class. We found out some very interesting facts!
We have been thinking about the impact of our writing on the reader and experimenting with different sentence types. We are going to re-write the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs but make it appropriate for 11 year olds. Watch this space for our final versions.
We made the most of the weather and took our maths lesson outside. Its surprising how many questions you can answer when you turn it into a competition. Our problem solving skills and teamwork are definitely improving!
Today, we were assigned our evacuation family. Some of us were lucky enough to go to a kind, caring family whereas others definitely did not! We will be writing letters home based on our experiences.
During assembly this morning we followed Joe Wicks, The Body Coach, and got our bodies moving. We all had a lot of fun and it was a great way to start the day.
The Year 6s and 5s joined forces to support the younger children and develop their enjoyment of physical exercise during lunchtime on Friday. Lots of fun was had by all!
Bonjour. We have started our French lessons. The children have learnt some basic greetings and numbers to 10. We found that adding actions to the words helped us to remember them.