Year 4 have started their Spring Technology topic – “Functional and Fancy Fabrics”. We are going to do some printing inspired by William Morris so we have been finding out all about what he is famous for. We started our work by hemming a piece of fabric. Next, we will start to think about the design we would like to
Author: Chris Kingswell
Thank you to all the children who made the evening so much fun and thank you to all the parents for your support in helping us raise lots of money for school fund.
The children in Mrs Kingswell and Mrs Masterson’s cooking club enjoyed making and tasting different things, including pitta bread pizzas, shortbread biscuits, crispie cakes, cinnamon and chocolate rolls and even becoming chocolatiers.
Mrs Kingswell’s Maths group enjoyed a lesson in our new outdoor classroom where we investigated rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
We started our Autumn History topic, Invasion, by looking at maps and timelines and trying to answer questions about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions.
The children in year 4 have been having swimming lessons at Alan Higgs. They were all very resilient and have become more confident in the water and developed their swimming skills over the last two weeks.
Year 4 have started practising previously learned multiplication facts and learning new ones, in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check which will take place in June. The aim is for all children in year 4 to be able to quickly recall all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. We will be using different games, TTRockstars and Times table
We had a great time at Conkers, learning all about Egyptians! We built pyramids, went on a hieroglyphic orienteering adventure and created our very own Gods. To finish with, we had a few minutes in the playground and then watched a really exciting 4D film. Well done to all the children for being such great ambassadors for our school.
We did some writing about a dream in the style of the BFG and then made dream jars that represented our fantastic dreams!
Year 4 found out all about the Egyptian mummification process and had fun pretending to mummify their friends.