In Year 4 we found out about viruses and antibodies as part of National Science Day. We tried to make origami viruses and antibodies by folding paper carefully in a special way. It was very tricky but we were really resilient! Some children managed to remember how to fold the paper and made some more origami models at home:)
Author: Chris Kingswell
We went outside to do maths with Miss Richards and Mrs Black. We played the sticker game where we had to solve problems and then find who was wearing the sticker with the correct answer on.
In Mrs Kingswell’s Maths group, the children have been playing games with playing cards to practise their maths fluency.
Year 4 went on strike today and instead of doing English, we marched around the school to raise awareness of Climate Change.
The children worked together to produce an amazing piece of collaborative art work that is now displayed along the corridor in the Parker Building. The children used different types and textures of paper to create an under-the-sea scene. They thought carefully about where to position things by looking at what had already been stuck down.
Everyone at EGPS had fun with Maths to celebrate Number Day 2022. We all wore number fact stickers and enjoyed other exciting maths activities. PHOTOS FROM OTHER YEAR GROUPS WILL BE ADDED SOON… NURSERY enjoyed singing some number songs: 5 speckled frogs and 5 little ducks. The children worked out how many were left each time and found the correct
Here are our finished placards ready for our protest march around school next week…
Year 3 and 4 went out to enjoy the snow at the start of the week. Mr Riley took some footage to use in our Christmas Concert video.
Christmas has arrived at EGPS. We have started practising for our Christmas concert which we will record for you to watch. More details will follow shortly.
We started our new topic by looking at the parts of the digestive system and trying to guess what they were and where they went. We made quite a few mistakes!! We are looking forward to finding out how the digestive system actually works as we continue our topic.