We went into Hub 2 to use Google Expeditions on the new iPads. We went on a VR tour of the Great Barrier Reef and we also used AR to see coral and sharks up close. We thought about interesting vocabulary that we could use to describe what we saw and then used this to write a descriptive setting for
Author: Chris Kingswell
We have written some stories about a banana’s adventure as it travels through the human digestive system. We tried to include scientific words and lots of descriptive vocabulary. Here are some extracts from our books:
Mrs Kingswell’s maths group went into the learning hub this week. We looked at some information and thought about different maths problems and questions that we could write and then solve. We tried to use mathematical language and different operations. We thought carefully about which methods we would need to use to solve our problems.
To support Anti-Bullying Week we wore odd socks to school to remind us that it is okay to be different. We also designed some anti-bullying posters. Thank you to all parents who sent a donation into school, all the money raised will be sent to the Anti-Bullying Alliance to help support them in their work. https://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week/anti-bullying-week-2019-change-starts-us
As part of our Science work we learned that egg shells were made of the same calcium compound as the enamel on our teeth. We put some egg shells into different liquids to find out what would happen and thought about how the same things could happen to our teeth. Ask your child what we found out!
We had lots of fun on Potions Day making slime, decorating gingerbread biscuits, making bubble mixture, making our own potions and investigating cornflour and water.
A HUGE thank you to all the parents for the effort you put into sorting costumes for Potions Day. The children looked amazing!!
Thank you to all the children who have made potions to add to our displays. We have been really pleased that so many children have been enjoying our topic and have continued with their investigating at home, without being asked to. We have really enjoyed looking at all the potions and finding out how they were made.
We worked in small groups writing magic potions and then we had fun trying to make them. We measured the ingredients carefully.