Year 5 and Year 1, today received a visit from an amazing mobile planetarium, seen here, in all its glory in the KS2 hall. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Earth, Sun, Moon and star constellations, and this either ended or introduced their topics, ‘Moon Zoom’ and ‘Stargazers’. It was very dark indeed inside the dome, but the images
Author: David Walsh
Well, our ‘Living Eggs’ project has now finished and 9 healthy chicks have left our school and gone to live on local free-range farms. It was a very busy week, as can be seen from these photographs. The chicks needed lots of care and attention this week and all of our children had the opportunity to hold them. The reactions
Day 5 is now over and it has been another very busy day indeed, ending with 9 healthy hatched chicks. One egg, unfortunately showed no signs of hatching. Many children were very lucky and witnessed at least one hatching and some have already actually handled and stroked the chicks. All the chicks are now housed in our brooder box, kept
Well, what a day at school today! Eight Chicks have hatched, the first at around 6am, in a very quiet school, and the last at home-time, at around 3.30pm, when the Year 5 corridor was slightly less quiet! It was an amazing experience for the children, many of whom were lucky to witness a hatching as it happened.
Today, we noticed more tiny cracks appearing in some of the eggs, as well as one or two of the eggs being seen to suddenly wobble. Definitely evidence that some of the chicks are seriously considering breaking their shells and joining us! Two of the Year 5 boys are seen here keeping the water trays in the incubator to the
Monday February 3rd Today we welcomed our chicken eggs to Ernesford Grange Primary School. Ten eggs are now outside Mr Walsh’s classroom, kept warm and safe in an incubator. They are due to hatch soon, and already, some children have noticed small cracks beginning to appear on the egg shells…this is called ‘pipping’ and means that the chick inside has
To begin our new ILP ‘Scream Machine’ this week, 5W created a simulated roller coaster in our classroom. Using on screen real footage of a roller coaster ride and a computer-generated simulation, we sat in our ‘cars’ and experienced falling, twisting and looping movements, thinking about the emotions, feelings and sensations involved. Just like the real thing!
In our work on life-cycles, 5W have recently investigated the internal and external parts of an unfertilised chicken egg, like those that we buy in the shops. Although we were all familiar with a chicken egg, using torches and tweezers, we were able to look much closer than we have ever looked before and then separate each part. We then
This week, children in 5W and 5S met in the Learning Hub for a science lesson. Each class had been studying different life-cycles (of Mammals and Amphibians) and they were given the opportunity to ask each other questions and find out about what each class had learned. Some children also chose to address the room and present their findings. Classes
5W have recently had great fun, dissecting lilies and closely examining the different parts of the flower. This is the beginning of their work on life-cycles, and is part of their ‘Allotment’ topic.