Children worked in teams to create a den. They used pegs and mallets and made sure that their den was big enough for all of them to fit!
Author: nataliedavis
Children in year 1 have been learning about the colour wheel. They have mixed the three primary colours together to make secondary colours. They then created art work by using different textured rollers, and folding painted paper in half.
The children in the Forest school skills academy club enjoyed leaf printing. They created their own symmetrical designs by hammering leaves onto the fabric. We then went to the vegetable patch and found some enormous carrots!
Year 1 forest school enjoyed leaf printing. We talked about how it works and they made some fantastic flags with their printed material.
Today the KS1 Forest school skills academy group made crowns. They found leaves, cones, grass and other natural items to decorate them.
We had fun toasting marshmallows in forest school! We learnt about fire safety and sang some songs around the fire.
Year 1 have begun composing their own music with Mr Withers. They chose which instruments to use and clapped their own rhythm. We can’t wait to carry on with this next week and hear the finished pieces!
We had fun making up our own adventures for old bear and his friends. Thinking about who was in the story, where they were, what went wrong and who helped.