Children have been finding a half and a quarter of a number practicially.
Author: nataliedavis
Children in year one had fun at their garden party this afternoon. They learnt about the Queen and enjoyed making flags, eating jam sandwiches and of course… bowing and curtseying!
We took advantage of the lovely warm weather this week and practiced our phonics outside! Can you read some of our silly sentences with the split a-e sound?
Children in year 1 had a visit from the Easter bunny today! They enjoyed finding chocolate eggs in the outside area and put them in the baskets that they had made.
Children zoomed on their homemade rockets to different number planets! They used a number line to add together three numbers.
Forest school and Caring Skills Academy Clubs joined together to make some bird feeders. We all decided that the birds needed someone to care for them too! The children loved making them and took them home to put out for the hungry birds.