WB 19/6/23

This week..the children have focussed on their counting skills! They have been considering what accurate counting looks like, sharing their own strategies and applying their skills in their play. They have explored which oceans are hot and cold, have shared their favourite marine animals and completed some sea animal comprehension. Books enjoyed this week are Come Away From the Water,

WB 12/6/23

This week…Some of the learning has included using rekenreks to make amounts, using vocabulary such as double, not double, equal and not equal when comparing amounts and looking at patterns in maths. In other areas we have been focusing on longer vowel sounds in words, definitions of some new words and as always practicing our tricky words! The children have

WB 6/2/23

This week we have been thinking about our feelings and emotions for Mental Health Week and doing some ‘Rainbow Painting’ and ‘Cosmic Yoga’.As part of the ‘Women in Science’ celebration the children have enjoyed learning about Ada Lovelace, Marie Curie and other important historical females. In provision, they have been exploring the science themed investigation station and looking at the