To start off our new topic of ‘What’s that Sound?’ Reception went on a listening walk. We could hear lots of different sounds, such as aeroplanes, police sirens, the wind, birds singing and lots of people around school.
Author: sandragardner
Reception, Nursery and Little Owls all got together for a special assembly where Mrs Gould told us the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We all had a wonderful time working together, doing lots of different activities during a ‘Round Robin’ and made many new friends!
Reception had great fun going on a bear hunt today. We found pictures of real bears such as a Panda, a Sun bear and a Grizzly bear. There were also famous bears like Paddington and Winnie the Pooh. We looked for pictures of teddy bears too! Some were hidden away under things and some were up high! We think we
We have enjoyed visiting the chicks over the last few days and we got to handle them. It was very exciting!
With our partners we used different construction materials to create magnificent castles! It was great fun!
We did an interesting experiment where we tested different liquids, such as orange juice, milk and fizzy pop. We found out which ‘river’ would be the best for the Gingerbread Man to cross so that he wouldn’t be eaten by the fox! It was very exciting to see the results! Ask your child what happened.
Look at our brilliant bridges. Our challenge was to make a bridge strong enough to let the Billy Goats Gruff walk across. We then acted out the story using some lollipop stick puppets. We had great fun working with our partner.
We have had a creative week in Reception! We’ve made gingerbread houses using different collage materials and have practised our cutting and sticking skills. We were also set a challenge to make a house using straws and marshmallows. It was a bit tricky!! We even decorated our play house outside with cakes, biscuits and sweets (chalks)!
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a fantastic time watching the pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We had lots of fun! Oh yes we did!!!
Jack gave us some magic beans to count. We practised our addition too!