After reading A Squash and a Squeeze, we came up with some questions which we would like to ask the little old lady. We then hot seated some brave volunteers who answered our questions!
Author: Sarah Crust
2S have been learning about the famous artists Paul Cézanne and Vincent van Gogh. The children worked super hard to recreate their favourite painting. What do you think?
2C had an awesome time last week zooming round the assault course. Look at the happy faces!
We celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee by making book marks, a collage, eating delicious cakes, drinking squash and dancing!!!!
Year 2 have designed and started to build a fortress for the Three Little Pigs so that they can hide away from the Big, Bad Wolf! They have used cardboard to construct it with a range of cutting and joining techniques. They can’t wait to get them finished!
Everyone made such an effort to dress up today as a character from a book for World Book Day. We had an assembly to show off our amazing costumes and to parade around the hall. Even Chester the dog was impressed! We then listened to Michael Rosen perform his famous Chocolate Cake poem and we looked at the picture book.
2C are using rekenreks as a new way of improving their basic maths skills. They have been learning how to use them to show number bonds to 5 and 10 and they are discovering how they can be used to help them with other skills such as partitioning into tens and ones.
This week, 2C have been building air powered cars using simple materials. They worked in small groups to build it and fix any design issues along the way! They are now hard at work writing the instructions for making the vehicle in case anyone else would like to build one of their own!
In Science today 2C predicted how far they thought they would be able to throw a beanbag in metres. We had some very confident suggestions to start with until we discussed how far they actually were and then they decided that 100 metres was perhaps a little ambitious! We then measured out intervals of one metre on the playground and
2C had an amazing time last week. Captain Rocky Cliff sailed in from the Bristol Channel to talk to the children about his life as a pirate. They walked the plank, imagined what they could see through their telescope and tried some delicious pirate treats!