WEEK 5: We made melted snowmen cookies! First, we mixed some icing sugar for the melted snow. Next, we stuck a marshmallow on top for the snowman’s head. Then, we decorated the snowmen to bring them to life. Finally, we enjoyed eating them!
Author: Sian Chatha
Year 2 had a jam-packed and exciting day visiting Warwick Castle. The trip linked perfectly with our currently topic Magnificent Monarchs. They learnt so much about the castle’s rich history and are going to use that to write some amazing information leaflets! This is just a snippet of what we saw…
In science over the next few weeks, we are going to be growing our very own lettuce seeds in order to observe very closely how they germinate. We will be looking to see if they germinate with the right conditions and how long it takes for them to start germinating. Wish us luck!
We had the most memorable day visiting both Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and Weston-super-Mare beach!
In Year 2 this week, we used soft dough and freshly picked cherry blossom to create beautiful flower imprints. Wow!
We have had so much fun competing against each other in Kahoot quizzes club!
We are so happy with how our flower pattern prints turned out!
Year 2 have started a new topic in art called flower heads. The children have been taking a look at the form, colour, patterns and textures of different flowers. Here are some of many beautiful examples!
2S are here to spread some festive cheer in their Christmas jumpers. You look fabulous!