Year 1 and 2 were lucky enough to visit Coventry Cathedral this week. We enjoyed the service immensely!
Category: 2019 – 2020 Blog Posts
We had a wonderful time exploring ice in our outdoor classroom.
In Nursery we have decided to make some penguins to go in our ‘Winter Wonderland’. We drew 2 circles on a piece of black paper and cut them out using scissors. We stuck them together and added wobbly eyes, a beak, a fluffy tummy and some wings. We are very proud of what we have made!
This morning, year 2 revisited much of their learning as part of revision session. The children enjoy a scavenger hunt and so had to find answers to questions around the room. One thing was different, the answers moved as they were stuck to labels being worn by the children. The children used a range of methods to solve the questions
Yesterday, in the drizzle, year 2 went outside to have a beanbag tossing competition. Five children from each class was selected and the aim was to toss the beanbag the furthest. Both classes enjoyed chanting down a countdown for each toss and measuring the distance using a metre stick. They then created a bar chart of the results. 2C were
Caring Club did some litter picking as part of our caring for the environment theme for week 1 and 2.
Today in we made quiches. We got to roll the pastry and add cheese, ham and egg. “I’m looking forward to eating the quiche” Ella “It was fun and I can’t wait till our next cooking session in skills academy” Crystal

Year 4 had a great time on Friday afternoon having a go at each others games they made as part of their home learning.
A large box appeared in our outdoor classroom. It was a present from Zooky and Polly, our puppets. We unwrapped it and discovered a 3 seater bike! We even played with the packaging! Many thanks Mr Williams for your kind donation of our new bike!
These are some of the amazing wildlife photographs taken by the Photography Skills Academy Club at Coombe Park!