Year 5 have started their Cycling Proficiency course this term. This week, they discussed the course with the cycling team and then demonstrated and practised their basic cycling skills. Eventually, Year 5 children will ride on local roads, under close supervision, and earn their cycling proficiency certificate. Despite the cold weather, all our children thoroughly enjoyed their first lesson.
Category: 2020 – 2021 Blog Posts
Our new topic for this half term is called, ‘Can I have a dog?’ We will be learning all about pets and how to look after them. Our role play area is now a veterinary surgery. The children have enjoyed dressing up as a vet or a veterinary nurse and have worked hard to cure all the ‘poorly animals’ that
We planted seeds and vegetables in our Forest school sessions.
For our maths lesson today, year 4 went into the learning hub to investigate fractions.
The children enjoyed taking part in our Easter egg raffle and then our Easter egg hunt. We hope you all have a lovely, well earned break.
The children in year 4 had fun hunting for eggs in our Easter egg hunt today. Happy Easter to you all.
Most of our Blue Abyss topic was taught during lockdown through remote learning, but we saved some of the art activities for the children to enjoy when schools reopened to all children. The children have all made clay models of different ocean creatures. They also designed and made their own printing tile and used special printing paint and rollers to