We took advantage of the lovely warm weather this week and practiced our phonics outside! Can you read some of our silly sentences with the split a-e sound?
Category: 2020 – 2021 Blog Posts
Children in year 1 had a visit from the Easter bunny today! They enjoyed finding chocolate eggs in the outside area and put them in the baskets that they had made.
The children designed their own spy gadget and then wrote a persuasive advert to try and encourage MI6 to sell their product. We were very impressed with their ideas and final pieces of work.
We had a silent debate, read our story Wonder and created a new spy character outside this week. Learning outside made us all feel very happy, even when we encountered a few spiders and a couple of worms.
We made the most of the sunshine during our after school maths club and played some games to practise our fraction/decimal equivalent knowledge.
Some of our year 6 children enjoyed taking on the roles from Romeo and Juliet during Shakespeare week.
We were very excited to hear that the Easter Bunny had visited Nursery. He’d hidden lots of eggs in our outdoor classroom. We had to find as many as we could. We then exchanged one of the eggs we had found for a chocolate one. Yum!
Building spaghetti and marshmallows towers. Year 5 have had a lot of fun trying to build the highest tower possible with their partner. Some very creative and ingenious ideas were employed to use spaghetti, straws and marshmallows to build towers. In two cases, towers nearly stretched up to the classroom ceiling! In one case, the ‘tower’ barely got off the
The children enjoyed designing and making either a guitar or a maraca! Look at all of their wonderful creations! We also had fun in our outside classroom playing with our pots and pans orchestra and making drums out of plastic containers and using paint brushes for drum sticks! We played a game, where we had to listen carefully and had
We had fun making junk model dragons. We worked together in a group and spoke about what materials we would need. We also talked about what we could use for a head, body, wings, legs and a tail and how we could fix them together. We then decided on what colour to paint our dragon. We are very proud of