The children in year 4 have been finding out about how the Roman Empire grew so powerful. We went outside and had fun re-enacting this!
Category: 2020 – 2021 Blog Posts
This week we met three musicians! Mr Fardon played some nursery rhymes in different ways on his piano. We learned about Mozart, Beethoven, Jazz, the Waltz and Boogie Woogie! Jane, Mrs Emslie’s sister, showed us her ukulele and we sang along to ‘Old Macdonald had a Farm’ and also ‘Shotgun’ by George Ezra. Mr Lowe, Sara’s dad brought along his
We had a visit from a dragon called ‘Puff’. We showed Puff how we sit on the carpet and how we do our, ‘wake and shake’. We also gave him some snack. He really liked his apple. We had fun playing with him too. It was so exciting having a dragon visit Nursery for the day!
It was fantastic to have all the children back in Reception and what an exciting week we had, finding out all about ‘The Science of Sound’!
We have been enjoying our ‘real PE’ lessons. This week we moved around the hall pretending to be different animals including a snake, a bear and a frog. We also pretended we were ‘cheeky monkeys’ by sitting down and balancing, whilst lifting our arms and legs off the floor. It was tricky but we tried our best!
We had fun dressing up for World Book Day. Some of us where super hero’s, princesses, rabbits, bears and we even had a dragon, unicorn and knight! We enjoyed listening to the story Supertato. Afterwards we made our own ‘vegetable hero’ such as ‘Carrot man’ and ‘Incredible Cumber’. We also had fun using vegetables to paint. At the end of
We have been learning all about what it might have been like to live in a castle, long ago. We have had fun dressing up as kings, queens, knights and dragons. We have enjoyed ‘dragon’ counting, painting dragons and making dragons out of play dough. We have also had fun playing in our small world, ‘dragons island!’
It was a very cold and snowy day for our bear hunt around school! We went through ‘swishy swashy’ grass which was also crunchy too, because of the snow. We splashed in some water for the ‘deep, cold river’. We went through a ‘big, dark forest’ and found ‘claw’ marks on some of the trees. Could they have been made
We really enjoyed watching the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ read by the author, Michael Rosen. We decided to retell the story by drawing everything the family went through. We hope you like our work!
We had lots of fun playing in the snow. We used our new wheel barrows and spades to help us dig and make a snowman. The snow felt cold, icy and wet! It was lots of fun!