We went for a walk around school to try and discover any signs of Spring. We found blossom, daffodils, and buds on some of our trees. We listened very carefully on the key stage 2 playground and heard lots of birds singing. We also visited our school pond where you can often find frog spawn!
Category: 2021 – 2022 Blog Posts
Reception enjoyed a walk around school. We listened for different sounds. This was a great start to our new topic, “What’s That Sound?”. It’s amazing how many different things we could hear!
We went on a bear hunt around school. We went through long wavy grass, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a deep cold river and a swirling whirling snowstorm. On our way we found some ‘bear poo’ and ‘claw marks’ on a tree! We had lots of fun and especially enjoyed the snowball fight during the snowstorm! Finally we
We went on a bear hunt around school. We went through long wavy grass, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a deep cold river and a swirling whirling snowstorm. On our way we found some ‘bear poo’ and ‘claw marks’ on a tree! We had lots of fun and especially enjoyed the snowball fight during the snowstorm! Finally we
Year 3 had a fun day of activities to celebrate Greek day. We held our own Olympic games in Greek City state teams… the Spartans, Athenians, Corinthians, Argonians and Megarians. Later in the day we had a celebratory feast of traditional Greek foods, some of us tried new foods for the very first time! We found out that olives were
Year 5 enjoyed painting and dancing like an Egyptian.
The children in Year 5 enjoyed researching Egyptian god’s and mummifying a tomato!
The children enjoyed playing ‘Sleeping Dragons!’ The children had to creep up quietly and ‘steal’ the dragon’s treasure! They had to carry the ‘treasure’ (musical instruments) carefully so that they didn’t wake up the sleepy dragon! The dragon had to guess who had stolen the treasure.
The children had lots of fun learning to play noughts and crosses with goody and baddy pictures! It was a bit tricky trying to get 3 in a line, but we managed it!