School Council ran a cake sale to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Thank you to everyone who donated the cakes! We even had some star bakers in our midst, so well done to everyone who joined in. Reception even had a great time eating theirs all together!
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
It was very exciting travelling on the coach to Coombe Country Park. When we arrived we were greeted by the rangers Chris and Dawn. The children listened to the Story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle and then went on a bug hunt in the meadow. The children explored the woodland using their senses. The rangers showed the
We had lots of fun today learning about King Charles’ Coronation. The children enjoyed royal dressing up and played with the castles. We did some repeating patterns of red, white and blue and made flags and paper chains. We had party food, did some dancing and played some party games too!
In science over the next few weeks, we are going to be growing our very own lettuce seeds in order to observe very closely how they germinate. We will be looking to see if they germinate with the right conditions and how long it takes for them to start germinating. Wish us luck!
We had lots of fun today learning about King Charles’ Coronation. The children enjoyed royal dressing up and played with the castles. We did some repeating patterns of red, white and blue and made flags and paper chains. We had party food, did some dancing and played some party games too!
We followed an instruction to make some crown shaped biscuits. Children enjoyed decorating their biscuits and eating them at our party!
Year 1 enjoyed going to the learning hub and writing on the tables to make arrays.
The year 1s and 2s enjoyed making doors for their fairy houses. We found trees to put them onto and created some imaginative stories.