Craft club was very busy in skills academy last week. The children in key stage 1 had a fantastic time making their own rainbows! They were very proud of their work.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
We took our Tudor houses outside and re-enacted the great fire of London from 1666. All of us had to stand back at a safe distance and there was plenty of water to put the fire out. We also spoke about fire safety and discussed how easily fire can spread.
Last week, we visited Somerset as part of our topic, Coastline. We managed to fit in a trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo and the beach at Weston-super-Mare. A great day but tiring day was had by us all!
Our Science Project Fair took place last week and we couldn’t have been more proud with the engagement from the children. The work they produced was outstanding and we all loved going round and looking at all the wonderful projects. We especially were blown away by the variety of projects, covering all areas of science and engineering. Thank you to
In Year 5, we were lucky enough to have Mrs Reid come to tell us all about her job as a water treatment biochemist. We were told about how bacteria can grow where we don’t want it, how to properly wash our hands, how limescale can be dissolved and how fire can turn different colours when burning different types of
We’ve had lots of fun using Jelly Beans to help support our maths during Maths Day. We have been challenged to find the fraction, percentage and decimal of our jelly beans in relation to our table and our whole class. We had lots of fun doing this and even more fun eating them!
For World Book Day, we read Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. We enjoyed the message it tells us and have tried to create acrostic poems using all the useful tips Oliver has written to his son within the book. It took some resilience to make each line unique and relevant to the story. We had fun trying to draw
We’ve been inspired by the natural art all around our school grounds and have been challenged to create miniature, natural sculptures. These sculptures should capture the essence of a natural form found out in the wild. We gathered our resources and carefully glued our pieces into place. This task took lots of patience and the occasional redesign when things didn’t
In year 5, we have been researching the seasonality of vegetables and have used our knowledge to help us create our own healthy soup. We managed to whittle our choices down to three soups; tomato, potato and leek and carrot and coriander. We all enjoyed trying our soups but I think the tomato won out as the most popular!
In the Easter term, we hosted two other schools for a science workshop. Some year 1 and 2 children had the opportunity to take part in several investigations. We made lava lamps and saw how far we could shoot rockets through the air. The children had lots of fun and represented our school well.