We had the most memorable day visiting both Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and Weston-super-Mare beach!
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
The children have made a great start to their new project ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’. Please see our separate blog where we were looking for signs of Spring in our school grounds. We had ‘Circle Time’ at the beginning of the week and shared what we had done over the Easter holidays. In PE we had lots of fun playing parachute
The children have made a great start to their new project ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’. Please see our separate blog where we were looking for signs of Spring in our school grounds. We had ‘Circle Time’ at the beginning of the week and shared what we had done over the Easter holidays. In PE we had lots of fun playing parachute
Reception have had a fantastic start to the Summer half term, we enjoyed a trip to ‘All Things Wild’ later in the week to launch our topic ‘Animal Safari’ where the children got to have some hands on experiences being zoo-keepers and learnt all about scales, feathers and fur (more photos to come).At school the children have been learning about
Year 1 had a fantastic day at St John’s museum in Warwick. We learnt what it would have been like to be in a Victorian school. The teacher was very strict! Washing was also hard work in the Victorian times. We played with toys from the modern era and from the past.
Nursery enjoyed going on an adventure when we walked around the school grounds this week. We were looking for signs of Spring! We discovered lots of plants and flowers growing and new leaves and blossom on the trees. We visited the geodome and the new fishpond and had fun investigating our shadows! This was a great start to our new