Nursery enjoyed going on an adventure when we walked around the school grounds this week. We were looking for signs of Spring! We discovered lots of plants and flowers growing and new leaves and blossom on the trees. We visited the geodome and the new fishpond and had fun investigating our shadows! This was a great start to our new
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
Year 3 and 4 had a great time at their Easter Disco. Thank you to all the parents for their continued support in helping us raise lots of money for school fund.
This week the children have been thinking about Easter and Spring Time. They enjoyed making some Spring chick Easter cards, where they practised their cutting and sticking skills. We learned some new songs; ‘I’m a Spring Chicken’ and ‘Hot Cross Buns’ and listened to some Easter stories. Reverend Jon Taylor from St. Bartholomew’s Church came in to take a special
We tried hard to follow our design and do some block printing in the style of William Morris. After the Easter holiday we will be adding some embellishments to our printed fabric.
We enjoyed following a musical score and tried hard to play the instruments at the right time!
Thank you to al the children who have entered our school Science Fair competition. We have been so impressed by all your hard work. All the entries will be on display in the school hall after Easter.
This week the children have been thinking about Easter and Spring Time. They enjoyed making some Spring chick Easter cards, where they practised their cutting and sticking skills. We learned some new songs; ‘I’m a Spring Chicken’ and ‘Hot Cross Buns’ and listened to some Easter stories. Reverend Jon Taylor from St. Bartholomew’s Church came in to take a special
Reception have had an enjoyable final week to the Spring Term. This week the focus has been ‘Spring’ and the week started with a ‘Signs of Spring’ hunt around our outside area, alongside exploring ‘Spring’ themed poems; by reading each line carefully and sorting them into ‘things you can see in spring’ and ‘things you can hear in spring’. In
Year 3 have been learning about mechanisms in D/T this week. We have made moving pictures with sliders, levers and linkage mechanisms. We have also made a moving flag model by making our own cam mechanism. It has been a lot of fun!