Puddles and Rainbows! (PM Nursery)

The children have had a busy week exploring their new mini project ‘Puddles and Rainbows’! We listened to an instrumental version of the song ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and practised doing curves, circles, spirals and rainbow arches with scarves. We learned a new dance called ‘We’re Singing in the Rain’ and sang ‘Sing a Rainbow’. We learned some British Sign

Puddles and Rainbows! (AM Nursery)

The children have had a busy week exploring their new mini project ‘Puddles and Rainbows’! We listened to an instrumental version of the song ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and practised doing curves, circles, spirals and rainbow arches with scarves. We learned a new dance called ‘We’re Singing in the Rain’ and sang ‘Sing a Rainbow’. We learned some British Sign