Week beginning 13.3.23

This week has been quite ‘bean’ heavy! The children enjoyed reading and discussing ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and conducting a ‘bean experiment’ (more to come!) They also loved developing their gross motor skills during the ‘bean game’. On Monday, they explored Giuseppe Acrimboldo’s famous fruit related art and created their own fruit art, though more observational. We talked about the parts of

Dinosaur Fact Finders! (PM Nursery)

This week the Nursery children have continued finding out about dinosaurs. We looked at some non fiction books and learned some interesting facts about dinosaurs and even learned some new names like the Argentinosaurus! In Maths the children discovered some dinosaur bones in the sand and we talked about the different lengths of them, thinking about ‘long’ and ‘short’. We

Dinosaur Fact Finders! (AM Nursery)

This week the Nursery children have continued finding out about dinosaurs. We looked at some non fiction books and learned some interesting facts about dinosaurs and even learned some new names like the Argentinosaurus! In Maths the children discovered some dinosaur bones in the sand and we talked about the different lengths of them, thinking about ‘long’ and ‘short’. We