The Nursery children have enjoyed learning more about dinosaurs this week. We enjoyed getting creative and made a paper plate dino pet which we got to take home! We learnt a song called ‘The prehistoric Animal Brigade’ and did some wonderful volcano dances with scarves making big movements for loud noises and smaller movements for quieter sounds. In Maths the
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
Eco Council and School Council reps have been working hard to raise money for each year to adopt an endangered animal. We have been overwhelmed with the book donations, and have been very happy with the outcome! Thank you to everyone who donated books and to everyone who bought them.
The Nursery children have enjoyed learning more about dinosaurs this week. We enjoyed getting creative and made a paper plate dino pet which we got to take home! We learnt a song called ‘The prehistoric Animal Brigade’ and did some wonderful volcano dances with scarves making big movements for loud noises and smaller movements for quieter sounds. In Maths the
We were all super excited by the snow today, so we decided to save our writing task for another time and enjoy having some fun before it all melted!
We tasted different flavoured jellybeans and decided on our most and least favourite. We have saved the results and are going to make a human graph to represent our data when the weather is drier! We used our maths skills to decide how many of each flavour we would choose if we could have 1000 jellybeans.
It is World Maths Day today (March 8th) and the children have had lots of fun with jellybeans! They counted jellybeans, played a dice game, practised subitising, did a challenge where they had to colour in 5, thinking about their favourite flavour, played a matching game, made repeating patterns and best of all got to eat some! Yummy!
Year 6 enjoyed using jelly beans to investigate during their math’s lesson today.
It is World Maths Day today (March 8th) and the children have had lots of fun with jellybeans! They counted jellybeans, played a dice game, practised subitising, did a challenge where they had to colour in 5, thinking about their favourite flavour, played a matching game, made repeating patterns and best of all got to eat some! Yummy!
Year 2 are reading The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Ruddle who has written a series of books about the family of pirates called The Jolly Rogers. This book is written in rhyme and is full of speech bubbles with colloquial speech. They had fun today reading, experimenting with their voices and reading in character!