Year 6 were active this morning as they investigated the best way to multiply and divide decimals and integers.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
The children have had a great start to our new project ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs!’ this week. We travelled back in time and went on a prehistoric safari in our outdoor classroom. We found lots of interesting things and ticked them off on our list! We have an indoor dinosaur safari too! The children have been creative and have enjoyed doing dinosaur
The children have had a great start to our new project ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs!’ this week. We travelled back in time and went on a prehistoric safari in our outdoor classroom. We found lots of interesting things and ticked them off on our list! We have an indoor dinosaur safari too! The children have been creative and have enjoyed doing dinosaur
What a great first week back and a super start to the second part of the half term.This week we launched our ‘Ready Steady Grow’ topic and we started the week exploring where food comes from. The children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and sequencing and retelling it with their friends. On Wednesday the children
The theme of World Book Day this year is, You are a reader! Year 6 had fun dressing up and sharing their favourite books.
The children began the day with an assembly which gave them the opportunity to look at all the fantastic costumes. As always the children really rose to the occasion and had fun taking part!
We have been exploring famous landscape art from history and developing techniques using water colour, pencil and fineline. We chose a photo or famous painting to influence the final landscape masterpiece we created.
Thank you to all the children who came dressed up for World Book Day today, you all looked amazing! Thank you also to the parents for all their support. We enjoyed listening to Mr Taylor reading “Here We Are” by Oliver Jeffers. We focussed on the part of the story that said “Though we have come a long way, we
Year 3 have completed their ammonite Art project. We made our own printing blocks using polystyrene tiles and carved our design motifs into the tiles. We then added different coloured inks to each tile. We were very pleased with our final pieces!