This week the children have enjoyed bringing in their favourite stories to share as part of ‘National Storytelling Week’. We have talked about what makes a good storyteller and what a good audience looks like. They particularly enjoyed Michael Rosen perform ‘Chocolate Cake’.In phonics the children have been learning the sounds: ‘air’ and ‘er’ and have been introduced to double
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
We had fun designing and making our very own moon buggies. We brought a box into school, painted it and added an axel, a satellite and a chair. We’re hoping to add the wheels next week. We hope you like them!
Our Forest Schoolers have been channeling their inner photographers this week and have managed to take some magnificent pictures of our surrounding natural landscape. Some of these have had a small amount of editing but all pictures were solely taken by our Year 5 children.
We are learning our the reproduction of flowers in Year 5 this term and to help understand all the different parts, we have dissected a tulip to really see each section close up. We had to be careful to avoid the sticky pollen and not to damage the more delicate parts. We then separated them into different groups showing the
Year 5 have been using the power of pressure to create pneumatic machines capable of lifting small objects. Using syringes and tubing, we designed and made several different variants of a crane type structure. We put water in our tubes to give them slightly more power and this created hydraulics! We evaluated each others designs and talked about how we
During Forest School in Year 5, we have been looking at the different types of animals we might find around our allotment area and which of these are good or bad to have there. With all these animals, we then had to create a food web to show what eats what. It’s hard to make out, but the sticks, logs
During our science topic of Earth and Space, the Year 5 children have been recreating our Solar System and trying to get a sense of the immense scale and distance between the planets. Some planets had trouble staying to their orbit but we managed to keep on track and use these activity to remember the order of the planets.
We read the poem “The Song of the Witches” from Macbeth. We started by looking at the lines from the poem and predicting which order they went in. Then we compared our predictions to the poem that William Shakespeare wrote. We had a go at writing our own poems in the same style, you can read some of them in
Mrs Kingswell’s maths group have had some of their maths lessons in the Learning Hub. The children have been learning how to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1-digit number. They started by partitioning the numbers and then checked their answers by scanning QR codes. Then they moved onto using more formal written methods.