Year 1 have been working really hard with their Cognitive learning this half term. Their skill has been Dynamic balance on a line.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
Year 4 have been enjoying their gymnastics this half term. This week we focused on different rolls and used our new Tumbl mat to practice backward rolls.
Children are enjoying their cognitive learning this half term focusing on Dynamic Balance on a line.
The Key Stage 2 choir represented our school with such enthusiasm last week. They performed as part of an enormous choir of just over 6500 children! A highlight was performing alongside Heather Small, Urban Strides, the Beatbox Collective and Anna Phoebe. It was a brilliant day! Gareth enjoyed himself too … clocking up his fourth visit of the week!
Year 6 have been learning about processed and unprocessed foods, and with the help of Mrs Flint used their chopping and dicing skills to make their own unprocessed pasta sauce. Opinion was divided when the children tasted the finished product. A little less garlic next time !
The children enjoyed exploring the large apparatus in P.E. They thought about how they could move over, along, through and under the climbing frames, balance benches and trestle tables. They loved swinging on the ropes too!
This week we have read ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and had a go at cleaning, measuring and even sewing our own shoes! We have enjoyed looking at old registers and photographs from many years ago and comparing them to how we do things today. In RE we have started to explore special objects and books and we thought about
This week Nursery have continued to explore our new project ‘Starry Night’. We have been finding out about different animals that only come out at night and have learned the word ‘nocturnal’! The children have made some wonderful owl collages, where they have been practising their cutting and sticking skills. They also enjoyed playing with the nocturnal animal puppets and
This week Nursery have continued to explore our new project ‘Starry Night’. We have been finding out about different animals that only come out at night and have learned the word ‘nocturnal’! The children have made some wonderful owl collages, where they have been practising their cutting and sticking skills. They also enjoyed playing with the nocturnal animal puppets and
Year 2 had to use their listening ears very carefully to identify which hidden instrument was being played. Some children could identify three when they were all played together!