Before the Christmas holiday, Year 1 and 2 had lots of fun learning the song The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
The children in Key Stage 1 and 2 are continuing to enjoy their recorder lessons!
We have been working on spotting patterns and then continuing sequences. We found that using base 10 helped us to see what was happening in each number sentence.
The children enjoyed exploring the large apparatus in P.E. They thought about how they could move over, along, through and under the climbing frames, balance benches and trestle tables. They loved swinging on the ropes too!
Children represented numbers to 20 using deans. They also had fun making a number track and playing counting games outside.
The children have settled well, back into Nursery and have made a great start to our Spring Term learning. During ‘Circle Time’, we shared what favourite presents we had from Father Christmas and also some of the fun activities we did during the holidays, like going to the pantomime, eating Christmas dinner, pulling crackers and spending time with family and
The children have settled well, back into Nursery and have made a great start to our Spring Term learning. During ‘Circle Time’, we shared what favourite presents we had from Father Christmas and also some of the fun activities we did during the holidays, like going to the pantomime, eating Christmas dinner, pulling crackers and spending time with family and
What a busy first week! The children have been focusing on ordinality in maths this week by helping the Numberblocks find their ‘Numberling’ and place them in order. During Phonics the children have been looking at ‘ai’, ‘ee’ and ‘igh’. With Mr Withers the children have been exploring percussion instruments and played a game which involved matching the instrument with