Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
In year 1 we have been learning about materials. We went on a hunt around school to find, touch, compare and name the materials that different objects are made from. We worked with our partner and wrote down our results. We found a metal drain, a wooden dolls house, a plastic chair and glass windows to name but a few.
This morning the children enjoyed their Christmas Party. They played lots of games and had fun with their friends. They also conducted a science experiment yesterday which involved water, so enjoyed looking at the results. Some of the pictures have been taken by the children! Thank you parents and careers for all of your support this term, we really appreciate
A brilliant morning on Wednesday for the values dodgeball tournament. We had two teams enter the competition and both teams represented our school brilliantly. The tournament focused on Teamwork, Honesty and Respect with the other schools scoring us out of 5 in each category. Both teams worked really well as a team and showed all of the values. I am
Well what a festive filled week! The children enjoyed performing their nativity to their grown ups, and didn’t they do an amazing job! Thank you to everyone who attended. This week the children have been focusing on subitising in their maths lessons and also played a game of bingo. They have been exploring the theme of ‘friendship’ and what that
The children have worked hard with the weaving work we have done in our Warp and Weft topic. They were given the challenge of using a piece of their weaving as part of a design for a Christmas card. We have been really impressed with their imagination!
The children completed our Christmas Maths Challenge this week. They solved problems based on our learning this term and enjoyed checking the answers and punching their challenge cards if they had worked out the correct answer!