The children had lots of fun dressing up in their Christmas outfits! We designed some Christmas jumpers too! Many thanks for all the chocolate donations.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
This week as part of our ‘Marvellous Machines’ topic our focus in Reception has been ‘robots’. The children enjoyed exploring and discussing the ‘No-Bot’ book, programmed Bee-Bots and described the dance moves they could see in the Robotboys ft Poppin John video. They may have even tried to recreate some! In teams, they have worked hard to spell some CVC
What a busy week in Nursery! We have had lots of fun listening to stories about kings, queens, princes, princesses, knights and dragons! We loved dressing up, writing with quills, playing with castles and making crowns with repeating patterns. We met Danny the dragon and did some counting with his treasure, finding different ways of making 5 using coins and
What a busy week in Nursery! We have had lots of fun listening to stories about kings, queens, princes, princesses, knights and dragons! We loved dressing up, writing with quills, playing with castles and making crowns with repeating patterns. We met Danny the dragon and did some counting with his treasure, finding different ways of making 5 using coins and
We listened to the story of the very first Christmas and discussed why it is important to Christians. We then had fun making a king for St Bartholomew’s churches Christmas tree festival. We drew the head and body and cut them out carefully using scissors. We added hair, eyes and a crown to our king and we also decorated his
We have had fun doing all different kinds of craft in skills academy for key stage 1!
For the start of our geography topic of ‘Our Wonderful World’ the children sorted out physical features and human features. They talked about each picture and decided where it should go.
We used the numicon to find number bonds. When we put 10 on one side and 3 and 7 on the other side they balanced. It was a fun way to show that they are equal to each other!
Year 3 have been busy looking at the techniques used to make Beaker Pots from the Bronze Age. We have experimented with clay- rolling coils, making our own slip – using clay and water, scoring the clay to join pieces together and making thumb pots. The children designed their own pot and investigated the shape, form and patterns used looking