This week the children have enjoyed rehearsing for the Christmas concert, watching some of the England vs Iran game and talking about what to expect at a football match. They looked at different types of machinary and did some observational drawings. We read and retold the story of Mrs Armitage’s Journey and used this to inspire our mechanic workshop in
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
This week the focus has been on fairy tales with animals. We have done lots of activities based on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have worked as a team to create the three little pigs’ houses in collage. They have retold the stories using props. The children have enjoyed constructing houses that the
This week the focus has been on fairy tales with animals. We have done lots of activities based on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have worked as a team to create the three little pigs’ houses in collage. They have retold the stories using props. The children have enjoyed constructing houses that the
KS2 are putting actions to their Christmas songs ready to be filmed in the next few weeks … it all looks like fun!
2C investigated how easy it is for germs to be transferred by touch. They all promised to wash their hands more often!
Last week, the School Council ran a cake sale for Children in Need. We want to thank everyone for their incredible cake donations, and to the children for raising money for the charity over Thursday and Friday!
Here are our School Council representatives for this school year! Say hello to…
We started our Autumn Art project last week and had a go at weaving. We learned that the strings on a loom were called the warps and the threads we wove in and out were called wefts. We continued with our weaving today when we also watched the England v Iran World Cup football match.
Last week was Anti-Bullying Week. We wore odd socks on Monday to share awareness of our differences, and show what makes us all unique!
2S had a great couple of days raising money for Children in Need. On Thursday, we sold and enjoyed lots of yummy cakes. Then on Friday, we dressed up in non-uniform and Pudsey gear! This all helped to raise lots of money for children who are in lots of different unfortunate circumstances.