On Thursday, children were involved in a range of water sport activities and having fun at the beach.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
These are the first lot of photos from the Bideford Y5 trip. Stay tuned for more in subsequent posts!
The rock band took us through the decades from 1940s jazz to the present day. It’s clear that everyone learned something new and had plenty of fun too.
Updates from our school pond, we’ve had some new visitors including a hedgehog and a fox cub. We have also taken lots of photographs around the pond and its visiting wildlife. See the slideshows below. Photographs at the school pond A small selection of photographs including fish, newts, pond skaters and bees.
In Nursery this week, as part of our new project ‘Big Wide World’, we have been thinking about animals that live in different habitats around the world. They enjoyed creating a jungle for the animals in our small world and outside cooled down as they explored the underwater sea life! The children have enjoyed looking at maps, atlases and globes
In Nursery this week, as part of our new project ‘Big Wide World’, we have been thinking about animals that live in different habitats around the world. They enjoyed creating a jungle for the animals in our small world and outside cooled down as they explored the underwater sea life! The children have enjoyed looking at maps, atlases and globes
This week…Some of the learning has included using rekenreks to make amounts, using vocabulary such as double, not double, equal and not equal when comparing amounts and looking at patterns in maths. In other areas we have been focusing on longer vowel sounds in words, definitions of some new words and as always practicing our tricky words! The children have
In our Maths lessons Year 3 have been focusing on the properties of 3-D shapes. We had great fun constructing our own 3-D shapes using wooden skewers and marshmallows! The children did a great job of making their shape and describing them according to the number of edges, vertices and faces.
Year 3 were invited along with Year 2 to go and watch a rock band perform songs through the decades from the 1940`s through to the present day. We were treated to cover versions of songs by Bob Marley, The Killers, and Harry Styles. The children (and staff!) had a great time singing and dancing along and really enjoyed listening