Nursery enjoyed doing a welly walk around school looking for signs of Autumn. We especially liked playing with the leaves and watching the Sycamore helicopters spin!
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
Reception have enjoyed making wallpaper for the new (and improved) book area. Outside, they have been bowling and counting the skittles knocked down and have been pretending to go on holiday. Within the classroom, the children have been learning the sign for ‘holiday’ and exploring places around the world. Today the children had a visit from Mr Stringer who brought
This week in science, we investigated pitch of sound. We used straws to make pan pipes and see which length would make a high pitched sound, and which would make a low pitched sound.
The children have been working on the musical element of ‘pitch’ and hearing the difference between high and low sounds. They listened to and played chime bars at different pitches and tried to distinguish between them. They then listened to Gareth and some children play a short phrase on chime bars and had to work out which notes he was
Year five have been practising their athletics skills this half term and applying their Real PE skills of reaction and response.
Here are some of our KS2 children who attend our after school club, Relax Kids. The children are learning to explore their emotions whilst also learning skills to support their mental well-being.
As you can see from the photos, the children have been trying really hard during their PE lessons and having lots of fun at the same time. They have been working on their running, jumping and throwing skills as well as balancing on one leg.
This week Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Kingsbury Water Park. We had the opportunity to experience a Stone Age Day. There were lots activities to help us learn about life in the stone age. We had a go at building our own shelters from logs and materials found in the forest, making fire with steel and flint, roasting marshmallows
In Year 5, some of our children have been keeping fit whilst honing their mental arithmetic skills this week. We have a lot of fun giving each other workouts to do in between answering our questions.
Our Year 6 Forest School group continue to work on their pencil holders in the wet and windy weather. They used two new pieces of kit; billhook blade (to shave off the bark) and the bit and brace (to bore holes into their logs). They showed great responsibility when using these and their creations are now taking shape.