Another year brings about another harvest for our Forest Schoolers. We’ve been de-weeding the planters and are starting to prepare our allotment area ready for new crops to plant.
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
After a few years away, our Year 5s were able to return to Tudor World this week. The children were taken back in time to a place full of gruesome and bizarre crimes and punishments. The children watched as ‘real’ Tudor folk showed them all the different ways people back then would get punished. Some unfortunate pupils were put to
The start of a new academic year sees the start of our new skills academy clubs. Here are a few that we have running this half term.
2C had an awesome time last week zooming round the assault course. Look at the happy faces!
In science children did some experiments with touch and sight. They began to learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe. We had fun trying to touch things using only one eye to help us see and feeling all sorts of strange things with our eyes closed!
We have had lots of fun this week exploring our Nursery and making new friends!
We have had lots of fun this week exploring our Nursery and making new friends!
For the next two weeks we will be having swimming lessons every afternoon at the Alan Higgs Centre.