After getting really wet on Thursday, we had another turn on the bouncy castle on Friday!
Category: 2022 – 2023 Blog Posts
Welcome back to all the children in Year 4. All the children have settled really well and impressed us with their enthusiasm. We started the term by reminding ourselves of our school values – responsibility, resilience and respect – and thought particularly about our respect value and being kind. We have been very busy this week doing some writing and
The children had lots of fun on the bouncy castle obstacle course. It was a great way to start the year!
The children had fun exploring both the inside and outside areas and settled into school life really well, what a great start!
Year 3 have had a super start to the year and had a great time on Thursday having a go on the bouncy assault course! There was lots of smiley faces and tired legs after all the bouncing and running. We even managed to avoid the rain! Thank you to everyone for sponsoring and taking part.