Fruit and Vegetables! (AM)

This week in Nursery we have continued to think about Harvest, fruit, vegetables and especially pumpkins! The children enjoyed sorting fruit and vegetables on a flip chart game. We discussed our favourite fruit and vegetables and thought about healthy eating. The role play changed into Wizardy Woo’s kitchen and the children have had fun dressing up and making frog soup

Fruit and Vegetables! (PM)

This week in Nursery we have continued to think about Harvest, fruit, vegetables and especially pumpkins! The children enjoyed sorting fruit and vegetables on a flip chart game. We discussed our favourite fruit and vegetables and thought about healthy eating. The role play changed into Wizardy Woo’s kitchen and the children have had fun dressing up and making frog soup

Harvest (AM)

This week in Nursery, our focus has been on Harvest and we have continued with other autumnal activities. In maths the children have played a counting game using conkers. They have also explored ways of making 6 or 12 with egg boxes, conkers and fir cones. Reverend Jon Taylor came to do a special assembly about Harvest and we discussed