This week our focus has been on the story ‘Cave Baby’ by Julia Donaldson. The children have enjoyed learning about other prehistoric animals, such as woolly mammoths and sabre toothed cats!
The children have been creative in their paintings, exploring cave art! They learned how people decorated their caves with pictures, just like in the story ‘Cave Baby’. They looked at some ammonite pictures (prehistoric snail like animals) and their fossils and did some spiral patterns with scarves and then further developed this with felt tips on paper. The children loved getting the musical instruments out and playing along to songs we have learned.
In Maths the children played a game where they had to roll a dice and jump along the correct number of steps, travelling from one cave to another. They were able to practise their subitising skills and show the number on their fingers. They also listened to the story ‘Ten Little Dinosaurs’ by Mike Brownlow and Simon Rickerty, carefully counting the dinosaurs, thinking about 1 less and practising counting backwards.
In Phonics we have continued playing games like ‘What’s in the box?’, learning new sounds and practising oral blending with games such as ‘What’s that noise?’ for example; what sound does a d-u-c-k make? (the children make a quacking sound). They are getting really good at this! We have also been thinking about syllables in words and clapping prehistoric animal names and their own names too!