Coventry University Science Trip

Two children from each year group were able to go to Coventry University today to have a look around their engineering department. We first shared some of our amazing science knowledge with other schools and got to hear what they’ve been up to too.

We then were tasked with building a car using K-NEX, which had to support a superhero and at least one barrel (tin can) of super important gadgets! Splitting into 2 teams of 6, we first drew concept designs then decided which we wanted to build. Then, we got to work on building the car to it’s specifications.

We tested them to see how far they would go and if the cargo stayed in the transport. An added design problem was that we had to try and keep the cost down, with each piece of K-NEX having a value.

Both Ernesford Grange teams did fantastic coming in 1st and 2nd place!

We then learned all about Lanchester plane designs and even had a look around a 90 year old, working Lanchester car There are only 16 of these in the world!

Finally, we were lucky enough to look around the engineering department of the school and saw the amazing projects the university students were working on. To top it all off, we were allowed to sit in the cockpit of a Harrier Jump Jet!

We had so much fun. We loved and appreciated everything we were able to do.