The children have had a great start to our new project ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs!’ this week. We travelled back in time and went on a prehistoric safari in our outdoor classroom. We found lots of interesting things and ticked them off on our list! We have an indoor dinosaur safari too!
The children have been creative and have enjoyed doing dinosaur exercises, dancing, playdough, painting and learning songs. They have loved being explorers and have excavated fossils and dinosaur bones and looked at them through magnifying glasses.
In Maths the children played a game seeing how many dinosaurs they could collect using tweezers. It was fun racing against the one minute sand timer!
We found that the poor Stegosauruses had lost their spikes, so we also played a dice game where we had to put the correct number of spikes (pegs) back on them! This helped us practise our subitising skills. We had to count out the correct number of spikes making sure they matched the dots on the dice.