The Nursery children have enjoyed learning more about dinosaurs this week.
We enjoyed getting creative and made a paper plate dino pet which we got to take home! We learnt a song called ‘The prehistoric Animal Brigade’ and did some wonderful volcano dances with scarves making big movements for loud noises and smaller movements for quieter sounds.
In Maths the children did some super counting and we thought about 1 less and counting backwards when we learnt a dinosaur counting rhyme. During free flow the children got to revisit counting out the correct number of pegs (spikes) for the stegosauruses.
In Phonics the children got to meet some dinosaur friends who wanted some names that started with the same initial sound (alliteration), so we met Alice Apatosaurus, Teddy Tyrannosaurus Rex, Patty the Plesiosaurus and Wriggly Woolly Mammoth. The children then had to think what the dinosaurs might eat but again the words had to start with the same initial sound! We have also practised our oral blending skills and initial sounds by making some Silly Soup!
We went on a dinosaur hunt and looked at a map. We went through the swishy swashy grass, the slimy muddy swamp and tiptoed into the deep dark cave, where we met a dinosaur with big eyes and sharp teeth! The children had fun joining in with the chant, like in the book ‘We’re Going on a Bear hunt’.