For part A of their Arts Award Explore, the children have taken part in a variety of arts.
Forest School
One night, while a group of Arts Awarders went to the Warwick Arts Centre, 5 of us stayed at school with Mrs Slater. This was the first time I had ever done forest schools before! It was a delight creating bracelets and necklaces only using elder (a type of tree), wire and string. It was an extraordinary experience.
By Tia B

During our Arts Award Explore, Mr Stevens generously went to the pond generously went to the pond area where he then cut some branches from the elder tree. He then brought them inside and we used potato peelers to make the outside smooth from rough. Soon after we used pieces of metal to squeeze the foam out. Once we did that we coloured the pieces in which we made into beads to put onto string to make a bracelet or necklace. Then we got to take them home.
By Mischa