This week in Nursery our focus has been on the fairy tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.
The children have listened to several versions of the story and have enjoyed acting it out in our role play area which has been transformed into the ‘Three Bears’ Cottage’.
We have read Nick Sharratt’s lift the flap book, ‘Goldilocks’, where we have focused on thinking about actions to go with the story and joined in with the refrains,’ Who’s been eating my porridge?’, using different voices for daddy, mummy and baby bear.
We have practiced mark making and writing the initial letter of our name in a tough spot filled with dried oats.
The children have had the opportunity to retell other fairy tales in our ‘Fairy Tale’ Land.
In Maths the children have explored size, thinking about different vocabulary, such as big, enormous, huge, medium, middle sized, small, tiny, little etc. They also used the ‘Compare Bears’ to make repeating patterns. We have continued to do lots of daily counting with Counting Colin! The children loved playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf! outdoors.
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘t’ and played lots of of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending.
The children learned the song, ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears’ and enjoyed using the percussion instruments to make loud sounds for daddy bear, medium sounds for mummy bear and quiet sounds for baby bear.
We have also continued to practise our Christmas Concert and the children loved trying on their costumes!