This week the children have planted sunflower seeds and have learned about the life cycle of a sunflower and the parts of a plant, such as stem, roots and petal. We are looking after our seeds and thinking about what a seed needs in order to grow.
The children looked at a sunflower painting done by the artist Vincent van Gogh and had a go had painting their own sunflowers.
It was great to go outside and play in the mud kitchen and sand pit. It was lovely using our new story circle too.
In phonics we have continued playing our daily Little Wandle oral blending games and have learned some new letter sounds. We played a game, learning the names of some flowers and had to think of the initial sounds that they began with.
In maths the children explored repeating patterns when Mrs Lindsay told the children a story about lion who planted a garden of flowers. The children have enjoyed counting out different kinds of seeds and comparing the amounts to their friends, deciding who has more and who has fewer seeds. We have done our daily counting activities too.
We are looking forward to our trip next week to Coombe Abbey Country Park and are enjoying doing a count down chart! Only 6 sleeps left!