Over the last two weeks the children have enjoyed exploring minibeasts!
We have looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly and learned some special words such as pupa or chrysalis. We have also learned the names of different kinds of minibeasts.
In the nursery garden we looked for minibeasts in their habitats! We found some wriggly worms, woodlice, a centipede, a beetle, some spiders, lots of ants and a wasp was even making a nest in our playhouse! (Which we have got rid of!)
We played a phonics game where we had to clap the syllables of some of the minibeast names such as ‘cat-a-pill-ar’ and ‘butt-er-fly’ and then used the instruments to play the syllables! Did you know there is even a percussion instrument called a caterpillar! We have also continued with our daily ‘Little Wandle’ phonics games, thinking about words that begin with the same sound and practising our oral blending too!
In maths we have played some ladybird games, recognising numerals and counting out the correct number of ‘spots’. We have also played a matching game looking at the different arrangement of spots on the ladybirds. (6 can be made up of 3 and 3, 5 and 1, 4 and 2 etc.) The children loved playing the ladybird maths games on the Interactive White Board.
We have painted some symmetrical butterflies, (using a magic trick!) and made some lovely ladybirds, where we practised our cutting and sticking skills. The children have also enjoyed making minibeasts with the plasticene, adding matchsticks for legs and googly eyes. The children have had lots of fun learning some new songs and rhymes and loved dressing up in the minibeast costumes!